Hearing of Election petition by Mr. Jackson Mbaju Kathika against Hon. Thembo Gideon Mujungu as the Member of Parliament for Busongora South in Kasese district was adjourned to today(26th.August.2021) at Fortportal High court in Fortportal tourism city.
Presiding over High court, Hon. Lady Justice Katamba Victorious said now that they finished jointly scheduling the memorandum and cross Examination of the petitioner and his witness, together with the first respondent, Mr. Mujungu in this case, court was adjourned to today for Cross examination of the witness to the first respondent and that of the second respondent, the electoral commission, before hearing the case later this afternoon.
During cross examination, the Petitioner, Hon. Mbaju told court that his aim of taking the matter to court was to fight fraud in electoral process in Uganda. Mr. Mbaju speaking…………
Earlier during cross examination, the first Respondent Hon. Thembo Gideon Mujungu took time partly to explain the seemingly different names Mujungu T Gideon and Thembo Gideon Mujungu as names on his senior four and senior six certificates respectively.
His lawyer, Counsel Sylus Mugabi Kahima from Mugabi Shaka and co. Advocates with Counsel Kenneth Sebabi from springs advocates said they were satisfied with the court proceedings despite the fact that time couldn’t allow for them to be given time to cross examine the witnesses of the first Respondent. Counsel Mugabi speaking……..
To the lawyer representing petitioner Counsel Guma Davis from Guma and co .advocates, cross examining the witnesses, save the second for the first respondent and another from the EC was done and that court`s guidance on next course of filing the submissions and fixtures for the judgment. Counsel Guma speaking…….
Kasese guide radio will continue giving you updates about the court proceedings. END.