The Inspector-General of Police, John Martins Okoth Ochola, has responded to President Yoweri Museveni’s directive to draft operation procedures that will be followed by all police officers and personnel from sister agencies during field duties.
Museveni on September 8TH directed Ochola to come up with procedures for using guns for police, Local Defence Units –LDUs operating under the command of police concerning dealing with the public and the private security organizations.
The press has seen a set of 17 new guidelines Ochola has issued to all police commanders and their juniors that detail use of force, use of firearms, use of lethal force, policing public meetings and investigating armed confrontations.
Police commanders have been directed to always control their men in the area and shall ensure that no innocent person or bypasser is caught in the crossfire.
Commanders, according to Ochola, should ensure the degree of force employed depends upon the number of aggressors, nature and characteristic of the weapons, other circumstances such as the place and location of the assault.
Even when situations warrant the use of firearms, Ochola says commanders must ensure firing only aimed shots, be conscious of innocent bystanders, avoid collateral damage and stop firing as soon as possible. Ends.