By Misaki Bwambale,
About thirty Million shillings have been donated to Kitswamba Development Centre in Kasese District by the Women’s Microfinance Initiative, based in USA.
The Microfinance President Ms.Roybn Nietert said the funds donated since 2022-todate is aimed to empower women economically in their registered ten groups in Kitswamba town council.
Speaking shortly after the assessment of the project on Monday, Ms.Roybn who pledged to continue supporting women groups financially, was impressed by the proper accountability of the funds.
Ms. Robyn speaking….
Ms. Jolly Mbambu a widow like others commended the Coordinator, Mr.John Monday Wakighoma for skilling women that has enabled them raise fees for their children. some beneficiaries speaking…
Mr. Wakighoma hailed members for being exemplary in financial literacy, urging other groups to emulate. Mr. Wahighoma speaking..
Kistwamba Community Center has over one hundred women beneritiaris. END.