By Kyamanduma Patrick,
The local leaders in Nyamirami Village, Muhokya Sub County in Kasese district have called for investigations into circumstances under which a breastfeeding mother allegedly bit the lips of her husband during a fight over reported witchcraft.
Mr. Emmy Bayoyo, the area local council one Chairperson confirmed the information, identifying the suspect as a two months breastfeeding mother, Ms. Daphine Muhindo aged 18, said to have be possessed by alleged forces of witchcraft.
Mr. Bayoyo said the woman, Nya-Brenda said to be behind the practice against Ms Daphine, separated and took leave to her home in Kyalhumba as treatment and prayers for the two victims continue.
Mr. Bayoyo speaking…….
While at Mt. St. Mary’s hospital, the Victim’s Mother-in-Law and Care taker, Ms Priscila Mbambu said it was when Ms Daphine was possessed that he severely bit her husband’s lower lip as he stopped her from charging against the nearby locals. Ms Priscila speaking………
Ms Medius Biira, Ms Daphine’s mother was worried that the life of her daughter was in danger, calling for more Spiritual and physical support. END.