By Kyamanduma Patrick,
There has been excitement at various primary schools that have excelled in the 2024 Primary Leaving Examination results that were released yesterday.
At Buyagha primary school in Kyondo subcounty in Kasese district, Mr. Pascal Bisogho, the school Director could not hide his excitement after 10 of his twenty eight candidates passed in Division one while the rest passed in second Division. Mr. Bisogho speaking……
Earlier last evening, the Director for St. Immaculate Kyalhumba town council in Kasese district, Mr. Johnson Bwambale reported that fifteen pupils at his school passed in first Division as seventeen passed in second Division. Mr. Johnson on PLE………
At Vision Model primary school, Mr. Amuza Muhindo, a director and the school head teacher Mr. Adidas Byakunaga said twenty four of their learners passed in First Division as the remaining three passed in second Division. Mr. Byakunaga and Amuza on PLE…….
At Noble Nursery and Primary school in Kyesero village in Munkunyu Sub County, their Pioneer P.7 candidates have two pupils in first division as the remaining fifteen passed in second Division.
Other sources last evening indicated that Kasese primary school has six in division one, 91 in division two and 02 in division three.
The same sources indicated that Kamaiba primary school has 115 in division one, 49 in division two and one in division three.
More details will come in our subsequent bulletins. END.