By Katya David
Mr. Leonard Imanishimwe, the Director of the youth forum in the office of the First Lady of Uganda has asked Sacco members to use most of their annual savings for reinvestment for improved livelihoods.
Mr. Imanishimwe in a speech read for him by Mr. Nickson Taheramboko at the Rukoki Village Savings and Loans association annual meeting described saving for the end of year Xmas feasts as empty planning that must be reversed if the community living conditions were to improve.
Mr. Imanishimwe who was the Chief Guest, asked the members to target low interest rate loans, as well as saving for investment to give chance for the establishment of micro finance and commercial banks in future like in other areas. Mr. Taheramboko speaking…….
The local council three Chairperson for Bugoye Sub County, Mr. James Katarikawa called for profitable expenditures of their savings during the costly Christmas season. Mr. Katarikawa speaking……..
He also asked family heads to instill the culture of saving into their family members for a better future. END.