Health authorities and local leaders in Kasese district have cautioned residents, particularly those living closer to the border areas over the outbreak of Ebola in the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo.
Last week, the regional office for Africa of the World Health Organization-, said one new case of Ebola was confirmed in Beni Health Zone in the North Kivu Province and about 100 contacts of the confirmed case have been identified for close monitoring of their health.
The epicenter of the current outbreak is close to Uganda’s border, Kasese deputy RDC in charge of Bukonzo County, Rtd.Lt.Maate Magwara has said.
Addressing members of the district disaster preparedness committee yesterday at Boma grounds in Kasese Municipality Magwara says the disease can easily spread to the districts neighboring DRC due to cross-border movements.
Lt.Magwara on Ebola speaking….
He called for the screening of all persons crossing into Uganda from DRC.
LT Magwara also encourages the community to report any suspected case to the nearest Village Health Teams or local leaders.
Dr.Charles Oluka, the World Health Organization field coordinator said Ebola viral disease was declared on 23rd August this year in the hospital of Beni.Dr.Oluka on Ebola outbreak 1……
Dr.Olaka cautioned about noncompliance of screening at the boarder point most especially among the road contractors in DRC, which he says pause a big threat to the transmission of Ebola into Uganda. Dr.Olaka on screening 2…..
Kasese District Health Officer Dr. Yusuf Baseka says currently the district lack ambulances to handle emergencies, appealing to government and WHO to urgently address this challenge. Dr.Baseke on ambulances…..
Dr. Baseke says a task force is in place to deal with any case and raise awareness among the community. END.