By Kyamanduma Patrick,
Two unknown accident victims were last evening reportedly taken to hospital in critical condition after an accident along Fort portal –Kasese High way near Kigoro trading centre in Kasese Municipality.
Our Reporter who had just reached the scene spoke to Mr. Bitson Willy Mulyangasu who regretted the incident but quickly condemned the two men who were on Motorcycle Yamaha Reg. UEO 374B Blue in color for riding at a high speed. Mr. Willy Mulyangasu one ……
He has asked Riders and all Road users to limit speed and respect traffic rules. Mr. Willy Mulyangasu two……
Some Women who were at the scene also blamed ayet to be identified man who crossed the road without looking at those who were coming from Fort portal heading to Kasese town.
Some women speaking………
By press time the two men who were not known by anybody at the scene were rushed to Mt. St. Mary’s hospital. END.