Tomato famers of Karusandara –Nyabubale cooperative group have decried tomato bacteria wilt that has destroyed almost all their crops this season in Kasese district, calling for support in neutralizing the bacteria.
Speaking to Kasese guide radio before presenting a report to the Minister of Agriculture, the cooperative Chairperson, Mr. Doviko Bagonza said that farmers had had a challenge of high levels of pests, diseases and lack of machinery in addition to poor road net work that has made it hard for farmers to access market. Mr. Doviko speaking…….
The Kasese district agricultural officer, Mr. Julius Rukara attributed the increased cases of Tomato bacteria wilt to excessive water in hot areas. Mr. Rukara speaking1………..
He has asked tomato farmers to apply crop rotation and also plant resistant varieties and supply water that will only be consumes by the crops to tame the diseases. Mr. Rukara speaking 2………
The Kasese district Councilor Representing Karusandara sub county Hon. Godfrey Dembe asked ministry of agriculture to consider securing tractors to the farmers in his subcounty to support farmers who also want roads worked on. Hon. Dembe speaking………