By Kyamanduma Patrick,
Unknown thieves are reported to have broken into three shops this morning at Katoho trading center in Munkunyu sub-county Kasese district, looting unspecified merchandize and Cash.
No official comment yet from Police but the Secretary Katoho trading center, Mr. Donic Baluku Kikoni said the 2.00am incident left the shops of Mr. Jockus Kabenge, Mwanamolho Kule and Ms Violet Kakyinire almost empty.
Mr. Kikoni, who regretted the incident asked the Public to provide information to Police and the local leadership about the suspected criminals. Mr. Kikoni speaking…
Mr. Kabenge, Mwanamwolho and Ms. Violet told our reporter in a separate interview, the alleged thieves took them unaware, while they were sleeping. Mr. Kabenge and others speaking….
Meanwhile, the Local Council one Authorities of Basecamp lower cell and upper in Kasese Municipality have handed to Kasese Division Police a 22 year old man on allegations of selling Marijuana.
Mr. Jafali Kigutiha and his counterpart Mr. David Nzande Kule, suspected that Mr. Merdiki Masereka could have been dealing in planting and sale of the drug. Mr. Kigutiha and Nzende speaking..
Mr. Masereka, pleaded guilty but defended himself that he was reportedly using Marijuana as herbal medicine to treat Poultry and domestic animals. Mr. Masereka speaking….
Details will come in our subsequent news broadcast. END.