The Bishop diocese of Kasese, Rt. Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira Kambale has today donated food relief to over one hundred fifty household living in camps at Base camp and Kasese primary schools in Kasese Municipality, with each house hold receiving ten kilograms of Posho and three kilograms of beans.
Speaking to flood victims at Base camp primary school, Bishop Kibira who extended his sympathies, asked the affected people to remain calm and prayerful during this trying moment, saying Jesus Christ will help them overcome the challenges soon.
Bishop Kibira on Relief 1;….
Bishop Kibira, who described the donation as a sign of love in fulfillment of the Gospel of Christ, used the same opportunity asking the rest of the community to provide humanitarian support to the displaced and vulnerable people across the District in order to receive God’s blessing.
Bishop Kibira 2;……
Kasese Primary school host over 71 household while base camp primary has 80 household among others.
A pregnant mother at Kasese Primary school camp, Ms. Harriet Kabugho told our reported that as expectant mothers they are faced with number of challenges including bad feeding and poor hygiene among others.
Ms. Harriet speaking …….
Earlier, the Central Division vice chairperson, Hon Rabson Mupango, hailed Bishop Kibira for the timely donation.
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