By Kyamanduma Patrick,
Teenage Pregnancy in Maliba Sub-County Kasese District is on the rise and has become one of the biggest evils tormenting the lives of young girls.
The Chairperson Local Council three for Maliba Sub-County, Mr. Robert Mubunga Kiryamuthaka says it’s shameful for young girls to continue getting pregnant in the modern era.
Speaking to Kasese Guide Radio last evening in Kasese town, Kiryamuthaka, said teenage mothers are more constrained to in their ability to pursue educational opportunities.
Kiryamuthaka noted that his leadership has embarked on sensitizing the public about the negative impact of teenage pregnancy now that Maliba sub-county is ranked fourth in Kasese District.
Mr. Kiryamuthaka speaking…..
He revealed that Morals and cultural integrity have gone to low and have allowed accommodation of these practices.
Kiryamuthaka, called for good parenting and respect of the Bakonzo Cultural values and norms. END.