Teachers in Kasese District under their Umbrella, the Uganda National Teachers Union –UNATU have announced they will continue with their sit down strike over what they describe as discriminatory, the proposed salary enhancement for their science colleagues.
Earlier this month, UNATU announced a sit down strike over the increment of salaries for only science teachers by government leaving out their arts colleagues.
The Chairperson UNATU Kasese District, Mr.Godfrey Kisekwa has asked teachers to wait for communication from the General Secretary about their industrial action.Mr. Godfrey speaking…..
Mr. Wilfred Mukulamemo a teacher At Kamaiba SDA primary school in Kasese Municipality said they are waiting for an official statement from UNATU about their salary enhancement before returning to class.
Mr.Mukulamenu on strike……
The Workers Representative in Kasese district council, Hon.Monday Girivazio urged teachers to maintain discipline.
The Ministry of Education and Public service has cautioned teachers to call off the strike or else be scrapped from payroll by July 3rd.2022.END.