Taxis operating in Kasese district will be assigned temporarily route charts effective next month, the Kasese Municipal principal commercial Officer, Mr. Godfrey Bwambale has said.

Speaking to Kasese guide radio this afternoon shortly after ameeting with Taxi owners, operators and drivers held at the mayor’s gardens in Kasese town, Mr. Godfrey who said that a form with the taxi and ownership details before a permit is issued said the municipality has received a circular from Minstry of Local government dated 29.May.2020 instructing Municipalities and districts to register vehicles and drivers for route charts for convinience. Mr. Godfrey speaking…..
Earlier, the Kasese district RDC, Lt. Joe Walunsimbi, threatened to impound vehicles that will be found loading outside the recommended government capacity and route, saying that drivers and taxi owners need to prioritize life. Lt.Walunsimbi Speaking…..
Lt. Walusimbi had earlier asked taxi operators to charge passengers as aggeed through their association. END