Meanwhile, Bwera Division Police in Kasese district is holding ten people including a woman on suspicion of feasting on goats meat alleged to have been stolen at Mughethe trading center in Kitabu Sub-County.
As Guide radio wait for a police comment, the Chairperson LC 3 Kitabu sub county in Kasese district, Mr. Robert Kyana confirmed the information saying the suspected people that have been terrorizing the area were rounded up in a house at Mughete trading centre in possession of the stolen meat.
Mr. Kyana identified the owner of the goat as Mzee Kighoma, a resident of Kaberere trading centre in Kyondo Sub-County.
Mr. Kyana on meat 1……
The chairperson asked police to expedite the process of arraigning suspects before courts of law. Mr.Kyana on Court 2…..
Just this week four goats were reportedly stolen from Kighenge village in Lake Katwe sub-county by unidentified people. END.