Students have been challenged to develop a heart of patriotism towards their country and avoid waging violent strikes because they are disastrous to both their future and the nation.
Patriotism should begin with one loving where he lives, the school or Institution where he or she goes to study and then transcends to his or her country, the Kasese Deputy RDC in charge of Bukonzo County, Lt.Maate Magwara has said. Lt.Magwara on Patriotism….
Presiding over the opening of a one week ongoing patriotism training for student teachers at Bwera Teachers College in Mpondwe-Lhubiriha Town council yesterday, Lt.Magwara tasked student leaders to be exemplary in the promotion of peace and development and to always counsel their fellow students against waging raids.
He said dialogue can help to address and resolve any school issues that may arise.
Mr. Enos Kyamukono, the Rwenzori Regional Coordinator for Patriotism said it’s a constitutional mandate for every Ugandan to impress patriotism for future generation. Mr. Kyamukono speaking……
Ms.Oliva Mingando, the Principal Bwera Teachers Colleges, urged student teachers to engage in gainful work and have prosperous families in future.Ms. Oliva Speaking…
The training is expected to end on Friday where participants will be awarded with certificates. END.