By Katya David,
His Worship Chance Kahindo, the Kasese Municipal Mayor has faulted his speaker, Ukashi Swaibu Mushenene for over exercising his powers.
Responding to Kasese Guide Radio’s concerns over the expenditure of more than fifty billion shillings for road construction under USMID funds, Mr. Chance was disappointed that his office had ended up spending without the approval of council over what he called conceit of his speaker. Mayor Chance speaking1……..
About the roads and parameter wall construction around the Municipal offices, Mr. Chance said all monies were accounted for as approved by the previous councils but selfish politics was playing around the projects. Mayor Chance speaking2…..
In a live interview at Kasese Guide Radio this morning, Hon. Ukash who said the expenditures on the perimeter wall was a public concern, said he was handling his office lawfully and he won’t be intimidated by anybody for selfish reasons.
He said he would still stand firm to question any unlawful expenditures. END.