The Kasese district Khadir Sheik Abdul Juma Hakimu has described the Standard Operation Procedures as a vital element against COVID-19.
In an interview with Kasese Guide radio, Sheik Abdul Hakimu asked Muslims to be compliant of the health guidelines as it is required of them to assist Uganda against the Virus.. Sheik Abdul hakimu…….
The Imam for Kisanga A Mosque Sheik Muhamudu Salimon asked all Muslims to put to good use the Holy Month teachings that include love, giving the needy, discipline and fear of God among others
Sheik Muhamudu speaking……..
To FDC Boss in Kasese Municipal Central Division, Mr. Jafal Kigutiha called for hard work and unity among all, before congratulating the Muslims upon completing their fasting peacefully. END.