Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
To empower young people in their career as radio broadcasters, SIGNIS leadership has called on interested youths across all continents to apply for a radio contest competition on podcast slated for June 2021.
In an interview with AMECEA Online Friday, February 5, SIGNIS Vice-President Fr. Paul Samasumo has said that the competition “is a way of interesting a younger generation of radio broadcasters into the mission of SIGNIS.”
In a statement shared with AMECEA Online announcing the competition, the June contest for world’s young people titled “Youth Competition on Podcast 2021,” the youth are expected to “submit 1-3 minutes podcasts on Pope Francis’ recent Encyclical Letter “Fratelli Tutti: On fraternity and social friendship.”
The intent of choosing the Pope’s Encyclical is to encourage the youth to read the document and be “acquainted with the powerful message of Fratelli Tutti,” Fr. Samasumo who is also the head of the English and Swahili Service of English Africa at Vatican Radio clarified.
Even though SIGNIS is a global Catholic Association for Communication, contenders for the radio competition of up to 35 years of age must not only be Catholics: “non-Catholics” can also contest as long as they share the ideals of SIGNIS,” Fr. Samasumo has disclosed.
According to the instructions on the shared statement, “All Podcast programs must be submitted with attached synopsis in English, and recommended or approved by the SIGNIS Country President.”
Apart from some cash prizes, the Catholic organization is inviting youth from SIGNIS Africa, SIGNIS Asia, SIGNIS Latin America & the Caribbean, SIGNIS Europe and SIGNIS North America & the Pacific “to join the competition, and sponsor the winner(s) to the International Radio Contest of Sri Lanka.”
SIGNIS leadership has declared that they are “not responsible for any copyright related issues,” and “The podcasts will be made available for broadcast on Vatican Radio.”
The June competition organized for world’s young people across the continents, is in preparation for the first-ever SIGNIS Catholic International Radio Encounter in February 2022, in Sri Lanka.
In the statement signed by SIGNIS Asia Secretary who doubles as Radio Encounter Convenor Ms. Bernadetta Widi, the February international forum themed, “Engaging the Youth for a Dynamic Radio Uniting Asia and the World,” is expected to bring together “some of SIGNIS’ radio experts to share experiences and learn from each other.”
The statement reads further, “A key feature will be the participation of some young people from all continents, at this international encounter.
The event will be hosted by SIGNIS Asia Radio Desk in conjunction with the SIGNIS World Radio desk and the leadership intends to invite an official from the Dicastery of Communication.
Commenting on the contest, AMECEA Social Communications Coordinator Fr Andrew Kaufa said, “This is a rare opportunity for the youth in AMECEA region. I beg all National Communications Coordinators in the region through the Bishops chair for Social Communications in the Conferences to ensure that the youths in their country read the Holy Father’s message in Fratelli Tutti and participate in this contest.”
“I noted that for whatever reason, hardly any of the members of SIGNIS in AMECEA region participated in the workshop which SIGNIS Africa organized for the youth on citizen journalism and videography which took place from November to December 2020. This time, the announcement has come out way ahead of the contest, giving us enough time to mobilize our youth to participate,” he added.
The youths from all continents are encouraged to make application by latest June and send to END