Over forty Market Venders from Bwera market in Mpondwe Lhubiriha town council reportedly stormed the office of the town clerk protesting against some shopkeepers turned hawkers and market vendors.
No official comment yet from the town council leadership but Mrs. Oliver Kabaliko, the Kasese guide Radio agent in the area said whereas shopkeepers pay for rent, utilities and taxes among other demands, hawkers and market vendors are either exempted or pay too little.
Mrs. Kabaliko said some shopkeepers were abandoning their rooms, turning into less demanding business of hawking and market vending.
Mrs. Oliver Kabaliko speaking…….
Mr. Jafari Hassan Messo the chairperson Bwera Market venders` Association said the number of market vendors and hawkers had increased in the area to minimize operation costs that have been fueled by the increasing commodity prices, especially fuel. END