The Bishop South Rwenzori diocese Rt.Rev. Jackson Thembo Nzerebende has today scientifically ordained seven lay readers into deacons and thirteen deacons to priests at st.Paul,s cathedral in Kasese town, with a call on them to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

In his preaching, Rev Canon Nathan Mwesige from Ankole diocese in Mbarara Acherdiconary asked the newly ordained deacons and priests become good leaders in their newly appointed parishes.
Can. Mwesige urged them to be humble and hospitable at their new churches. Rev.Can. Nathan 1 speaking;..
He used the same platform challenging the newly ordained priests to desist against violence hate speech and greedy of money while serving the church but to preach harmony , faithfulness and reconciliation among Christians. Can. Nathan two;…..
Bishop Nzerebende who described the church as Gods family asked the ordained deacons and priests to serve the lord through giving sacraments to Christians. Bishop Nzerebende speaking;……
Among the deacons were, Peter Wilfred Kamalha, Betty Mbambu Mweru and Joshua Kyamukono. Ends.