By Editorial,
Rockboom, the number one premium energy drink in Uganda, has launched a Drink campaign dubbed Boom KYAKALA.
The 5 BILLION Shillings campaign is part of Harris International’s effort to appreciate consumers who have made Rockboom Uganda’s number one premium energy drink for a long time. The campaign is about celebrating the Uganda hustlers, the dream chasers, the ones who push boundaries and defy expectations. Participants will simply have to purchase a bottle of Rook Boom Energy Drink, open it and check under the bottle cap for a chance to instantly win an existing prizes including; 1. UGX 1000,000/=, 500,000/= and 250,000/=, 2. UGBOSS +100CC Motorbikes, 3. Smartphones, 4. Rockboom Gear (Hoodie and Caps), 5. Smart TVs and Free Complimentary Rockboom.
The Boom KYAKALA Drink and Win campaign will run from February 2024 to 31st.May. 2024. Everyone is encouraged to participate in this Campaign. END