Kasese Municipality will only be saved from future floods by the establishment a permanent department that will periodically maintain river Nyamwamba, Geologists have reported.
According to the Kasese Municipal Mayor His Worship Godfrey Kabyanga, a preliminary report by the geologists who followed up the presidential pledge on taming the deadly river Nyamwamba said that the water body would cause more disasters unless a fully facilitated department is put in place to manage the river as it was decades ago. Mayor Kabyanga speaking1……
The Mayor later revealed that the same geological study of the sources in Kasese district indicated that Kasese and Kyalhumba towns were at the risk of being swept away by their neighboring rivers should there be no urgent solutions to the challenge. Mayor Kabyanga 2………….
Mayor Kabyanga later called for joint collaborated efforts to conserve the environment, as well as protecting the eco-systems. END.