By Barbra Muhindo
Kasese Resident District Commissioner Lt. Joe Walunsimbi has called for collaborated effort towards the fight against Homosexuality in Kasese Municipality.
Lt.Walunsimbi observed that agents of homosexuality were applying what he described as sophisticated approaches of recruiting unsuspicious young people so as not to be noticed, asking the community to be on the look against the promoters of the vice.
Addressing the Media this afternoon at his office in Kasese town, Lt.Walunsimbi asked parents to do their parental role of monitoring their children and discouraging them against peer groups.
The RDC urged school proprietors not only to monitor learners but audit the actions of their staff, some of whom are suspected agents of homosexuality. Lt. Walunsimbi on homosexuality…
Recently, the Minister of state for National guidance, Hon. Godfrey Baluku Kabyanga, described as a sin before God and Crime in Uganda to practice homosexuality whose agents have reportedly released money into yet to be identified faith institutions, schools and civil society organizations to promote the vice.Hon. Kabyanga on homosexuality…
In a separate interview, Mr. Erifaz Muhindi Bukombi, the Kasese District boss, calls for close assessment of operations to some individuals and organizations promoting homosexuality, he termed a curse to the world.END.