Police have removed the roadblock at Kiwumpa village along Kampala –Gulu highway following Monday’s attack on two constables from the Field Force Unit.
Police introduced the roadblock at Kiwumpa village in 2017 to check on errant drivers and ensure adherence to traffic rules along the Kampala-Gulu highway.
However, the busy checkpoint was not there today, a day after four men armed with machetes overran it and hacked Police Constables Josephat Twinamatsiko on the head and face and Ronald Busingye on the back and made off with two guns.
Mr. Erastus Kibirango, the Luwero LC V Chairperson, says that the suspension of the checkpoint has triggered fear among the nearby communities as Police go ahead to investigate further to arrest the attackers or recover the stolen guns but also withdrawing the forces.
Mr. Kibirango speaking……
Mr. Living Twazagye, the Luwero District Police Commander, says that they have temporarily removed the checkpoint because it’s still being treated as a crime scene.
Police and UPDF have maintained heavy deployment as they hunt for the suspected killers. END