By Augustine Mumbere,
Mr. Lenard Muhindo, the Deputy head teacher for Nadir preparatory school calls for joint sensitization by leaders at all levels about the need for parents and guardians to personally present their children for registration as the academic year opens for business.
He calls it essential for a parent/teacher sharing to enhance teaching and discipline among children in school.
Mr. Lenard who asked faith based and political leaders to integrate messages about the importance of education within their addresses, said whereas about 350 of the expected 850 learners had reported at his school on the first day of the academic term yesterday, parents, most of whom he appreciated for escorting their children, are asked to send more in time to facilitate the learning process. Mr. Lenard speaking…..
In a related development, Mr. Joshua Masereka, the head teacher for Nyakahya Primary school in Mpondwe Lhubiriha Town council in Kasese District was concerned about parents who do not only engage their children in domestic work during school time, encourage late coming and absenteeism but want them excel academically. END