Poor Parenting is likely to negatively impact on the quantities and quality
Of Church servants if no urgent interventions are put to fix a number of
Biting family challenges.
In an interview with Kasese Guide radio at Ulrika guest house in Kisubi,
Kampala last evening, Sr. Mary Lilly Driciru, the Coordinator for
Communication of the Association of the Religious in Uganda was
Worried that parents do not have enough time for their children that are
Forced to make un informed decisions which may in future turn against
the institutions they serve and the community.
She described family as a key pillar of the Church that if not well
invested into, could compromise God`s work. Sr. Lilly one on family;..
Sr. Lilly who said they were making follow up on reports that some
Labor exporters were sources of human internal organ trade, later called
for collaborated efforts against what she calls disguised slavery against
the girl child, most of who are subjected to hard labor and
Prostitution at their work places
She called for joint efforts to make accountable individuals, parents,
guardians and some local leaders whom she blames for selfishly reaping
from an inhuman business. Sr. Lilly two on trafficking;….
In a number of videos on social media, some girls have died under
suspicious circumstances, with some reportedly killed for declining to
Service the selfish interest of their domestic matters especially in the
Arab countries. END