By Kyamanduma Patrick,
At least one hundred residents of Kiteso trading centre in Kasese Municipality are stranded after the collapse of the only Pit-latrine that used to serve them.
The chairperson local one Kiteso cell Mr. Julius Buhaka Binobino, said the pit-latrine originally serving tenants of Walemba and sons estates had turned a public pit-latrine, but after developing sharp cracks, residents opted to tie ropes on the shelter timber for security whenever they could go for long call, for fear that the latrine may eventually fall down.
Binobino, who said the situation has worsened, noted that residents have opted to on open defection using polythene bags, a situation he believes is a timing bomb to cholera outbreak. Mr. Binobino speaking…..
A senior citizen, Eng. Bart Kahururu who said it’s disturbing to answer Gods nature especially to individuals spending social evening in Kiteso cell, appealed to Kasese Municipal health inspector and political leaders to intervene rather than waiting to make comments on funeral services after some residents had succumbed to cholera. . Eng. Kahururu adds..
Kahururu, warned the public against living reckless lives, saying sanitation and hygiene begins with you. END.