The Minister for Internal Affairs Maj. Gen Kahinda Otafiire has said that illegal roadblocks mounted by men in uniform are a bother to the authorities.
A number of robberies by gun-wielding men in the army or sometimes police uniforms have been reported in recent months from different parts of the country.
Gen. Otafiire added that he has instructed the Director of Crime Intelligence Brig Gen Chris Damulira and CID Director Tom Magambo to investigate and provide substantive information about the incident.
Gen. Otafire speaking……..
Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga said Buwama attackers recently disguised as men who were accompanying women carrying grass but abruptly pounced on counterterrorism officers deployed to guard the Equator. He added that, unlike Luweero where the machete-wielding attackers succeeded in taking two guns and killing one police officer, the officers in Buwama were alert and released a bullet that force the thugs to flee. END