Mulago National Referral hospital has started constructing a new oxygen plant to supply 400 patients at any given time, to supplement the one installed eight years ago.

Dr. David Nuwamanya the Hospital Principal Administrator says this will bring the total number of beds supplied with oxygen within the hospital to 950.
With the outbreak of COVID-19, Dr. Nuwamanya says that their oxygen needs have increased creating pressure on other oxygen-consuming units especially at the Uganda Heart Institute and the children’s acute ward.
He adds that in July, 495 children required oxygen and therefore they don’t want to be caught unaware. Dr. Nuwagaba speaking……
In Uganda according to an official at Joint Medical Stores, a cylinder of oxygen is sold at 40, 000 Shillings and yet a COVID-19 patient may need a cylinder after every four hours depending on the severity of the disease. The new plant Nuwamanya says can fill up to 400 cylinders in the wards and has reserve tanks which can store oxygen for up to three days. END