By Kyamanduma Patrick
Mr.Erifazi Muhindi, the district boss calls for collaborated effort among married couples towards the fight against poverty and hunger at household level.
Muhindi observed that couples who have prospered in food security, plan together and have respect for each other.
He urged people to engage in subsistence farming and poultry than spending time languishing on trading centers, making propaganda and gossiping about successful couples in the community and the district atlarge.
Mr. Muhindi who said on average a person is supposed to eat four meals a day noted that many spend the day without even having a single meal.Mr. Muhindi one speaking……
Mr. Muhindi challenged people staying in Kasese Municipality to become innovative and put the available space into production of vegetables. Mr. Muhindi two speaking….
He condemned domestic violence among families an act he said contributes to underdevelopment. END