Expanding and turning the morgue at Kasese Municipal health center three into a modern facility has remained a matter that most Kasese Municipal leaders do not wish to talk about.
The mortuary at Kasese Municipal health center three serves the entire Busongora county but the squeezed space and the manner in which human corpses awaiting identification, removal for autopsy, respectful burial or other methods of disposal worry many bereaved families and the community mainly neighboring the facility.
In a number of interview attempts, Kasese guide radio reporters have always been treated to a mood of silence anytime they raise questions related to the state of the mortuary.
This week, the Kasese Municipal Mayor, Mr. Chance Kahindo did not welcome the interview that he loosely referred to his Deputy, Hon. Rebson Mupango.
When our reporter reached Hon. Mupango for a comment, he said the morgue challenges had been raised but the recent council did not welcome the expansion and modernization plans.
Mr. Hodevia Kisobulho like other many Boda-boda riders and drivers interviewed, described the current mortuary as a shame, disturbing and total disrespect of the rights of the dead looking at the traffic at the facility. Mr. Hodevia speaking………..
They called for funding into the expansion of the facility and elevating the health center to a four status than deliberating controversially on how to promote the rights of the minority homosexuals. END