There’s reported low demand compared to the supply of Matooke on market in Kasese Municipality, amini-survey conducted by Kasese guide radio has indicated.
Mr. Hamuza Yetwale, a matooke dealer blamed the situation to poverty as a result of the current lock down that was imposed over the Corona virus threats, leaving some of their potential customers like bar and saloon operators advocate for other food stuffs. Mr.Hamuza speaking…
To Mr. Robert Magezi like most women matooke vendors in Kasese Municiplaity, production of matooke is high in the village side compared to the demand which to them has been frustrated by the current virus disaster. Mr. Magezi, Medius and Edith speaking……
To Mrs. Helen Banage of Kasese town center however described the high food supply as God given, wondering what people would have fed on during the lock down that left them jobless. END.