The Kasese Resident District Commissioner, Lt. Joe Walusimbi has called for another survey to end the conflict between the Queen Elizebath National park and the locals of Busunga village in Lake Katwe Sub County after the later doubt the survey report by the Ministry of Land and Urban development.

In the survey report read by Mr. Ibrahim Magemeso from the Minister of Land and urban development at Busunga Primary school, over ten homesteads had been affected but that the alleged misplacement of boundary pillars cannot give a clear border demacation between the national park and the community. Mr. Magemeso speaking …..
Ms. Farida Sibeyano like others called for thorough analysis of the survey, woundering why its now that UWA is claiming the ownership of the disputed land that is leased for decades. Mr. Farida speaking …….
Lt. Joe Walusimbi, the Kasese RDC agreed with the proposal for independent surveyors from the two sides for a genuine lease that would create harmony between UWA and the community.
Lt. Walusimbi speaking 1 ……..
In a separate interview after the meeting, the Wild Life director of conservation, Mr. John Makombo had told our reporter that the Ministry of Lands had too sighted the discripancy in the land title documentations and that the provision of surveyors from both UWA and the community was basically to come to a win-win position for peace after the community doubted the survey report by the Ministry of lands.
Mr. Makombo speaking …… END