The LC3 chairperson for Nyakiyumbu Sub County, Mr. Peter Sunday Kakule has urged his electorates with water scarcity challenges in the upper parts of the area to remain calm as the problem is being rectified by the National water and sewage cooperation.
Speaking to Kasese guide Radio in an interview in Bwera town, Mr. Peter Kakule said the sub county leadership is working around the clock to renovate Karalike water scheme which he said will be boosted by National water and sewage cooperation.
He later said NWSC will also extend water in the other parts of the sub county through Bwera hospital channel after serving the lower part for a permanent solution. Mr. Kakule speaking …..
Besides that, Kakule added that the sub county is working on other developmental program including opening community access roads before he asked the community to leave road reserves for tree planting mitigate climate challenges. Mr. Kakule speaking 2……
He encouraged parents and guardians to support their children in sub candidate classes if they are to perform well. END.

1 Comment
We need water
Thank you for some things you have work