Ntungamo Chief Magistrate’s Court, presided over by Sara Mponye Kolya, granted State Minister for Labour, Mwesigwa Rukutana a four million shillings cash bail and bonded each of his four sureties a non-cash bail of 50 million shillings each.
Rukutana, who was arrested on Saturday September 5, alongside his three bodyguards has spent 10 days in prison.
His arrest follows skirmishes involving Dan Rweiburingi the former Rushenyi County aspirant on the Forum for Democratic Change ticket, a key supporter of Naomi Kabasharira, Rukutana’s opponent in the National Resistance Movement primaries.
Rukutana has been on remand at Kitalya Prison since September 7, 2020 after being charged with seven crimes including attempted murder, assault, malicious damage to property, and threatening violence. END