A total of 1,128 pupils at Kinyamaseke Primary school in Kinyameke town council, Kasese District sit on 200 desks while attending lessons, Kasese Guide Radio has learnt.
The Headmistress Ms Defroza Masika told this Radio this week that each desk is shared by six pupils averagely, making it unhealthy and hard for the teacher to supervise the learners.
She said the district, in past years provided desks but they are not enough because the number of pupils keeps on increasing.
Ms. Defroza on desks speaking…..
Defroza partly attributed poor performance to lack of conducive environment to have pupils learn effectively.
She was concerned that the primary school founded in 1955 by Church of Uganda and Government aided should be exemplary.
Recently, the district education officer, George Mayinja, said most schools in the district were faced with the same problem, adding that district authorities were working hard to ensure that the problem is resolved. END.