Kasese Municipal is implementing a by-law where by all individuals and institutions will be required to pay a fee towards the garbage collection.
Mr.Tibihika Theofelus, the Kasese Municipal town clerk said the money paid will be used to contract private companies to collect the garbage and clean up the Municipality.
He said some of the money will be used to buy garbage containers following the skyrocketing prices of fuel.
He said garbage collection was one of the biggest problems in the municipal which takes about about 3m per division monthly. Mr.Tibihika on garbage fee….
Addressing both technical and political leaders of Kasese Municipality about waste management yesterday at Boma grounds in Kasese town, Tibihika announced that beginning 1st.August 2022, institutions and traders will start paying garbage collection fee to the contractor.
However, Hajat Zainab a dealer in cosmetics in Kasese Main market says it’s challenging to pay double taxes, vowing to boycott should the authorities fail to account for the revenue collection levied on traders.
Hajat Zainab on taxes…..
Mr. Mustaf Asuman, another trader said the by-law is likely to fail following the current economic crisis. END.