Kasese district is yet to be guided by government on how to deal with transport communication now that the district is not open for private and public transport means as schools open for candidate in primary and secondary schools, as well as tertiary institutions and Universities.
Kasese district is one of the forty border districts still closed for road transport to minimize COVID-19 spread.
The Kasese district Principle Inspector of schools, Mr. Earnest Thabugha however encouraged parents and guardians to be prepared with the requirements of their children to be in schools that open for those categories on June 4th. Mr. Thabugha speaking1……
Mr. Thabugha who was not certain about the date and the spell of of this term was optimistic that the Ministry would soon guide them on how to go about the matter. Mr. Thabugha speaking2………..
Earlier, the Kasese district political Boss, Mr. Geoffrey Bigogo asked learners and parents to remain calm as they wait for a comprehensive guide on how the situation would be treated during this time of COVID-19 challenges. Mr. Bigogo speaking……
During the parliamentary session this week, the state minister for primary Education asked parliament to give the ministry more time to give the Guidelines of re-opening schools to candidate classes. END.