The Kasese district Boss Mr. Eriphaz Muhindi has directed the district Principle Internal Auditor to submit all Audit Reports from sub counties and town councils to aid his whip against corruption.
Speaking to Kasese guide radio last evening, Mr. Muhindi who said his fight against the corrupt would also cover projects at village levels, he was ready to call for the attention of the Inspector General of Government on audit queries that would not be dealt with by special external auditors. Mr. Muhindi speaking1……….
He said the parliamentary accounts committee sitting that was supposed to have convened 19th May 2022 in Hoima, will soon be rescheduled mainly to handle audit queries, some of which have been sighted by the State House Anti-Corruption Unit that Mr. Muhindi says they did not invite as perceived by many of the affected civil servants, most of who still report to service their police bonds. Mr. Muhindi speaking2……
Mr. Muhindi, a medic turned politician calls for the support of the local community against some corrupt civil servants he partly blames for the slow pace of development. END