Kasese District Education Officer Mr.Goerge Mayinja has officially released the 2022 mock examination results today with slight improvement compared to last year.
During the release of results at Kasese Multi-purpose hall the principal inspector of schools, Mr. Ernest Bwambale Thabugha said out of the total number of candidates 13,103 that registered for PLE only 12,832 pupils sat mock exams this year scoring 828 grade ones , 4,055 in divivision two and the rest in Division three and four respectively.Mr. Thabugha on mock results…1
Mr. Thabugha was opprtumistic that this year’s mock results has restored hope for more division ones in PLE compared to last year.
Mr. Thabugha on performance ……2
The best performing government aided primary schools are, Kyambogho Kagando, Kasanzi, St John’s Bukangara, Nyamusule and Kitabona, while Bright star, Kithulha Model, Global sun fort, Atlas model and God care ps, were among the best private schools.
The worst schools include, Kasingiri, Bughema, Ighanza, Hamkungu and Mughete Quran among others.
Kasese District boss, Mr. Erifaz Muhindi cautioned school head teachers against malpractice tendencies but prepare learners for exams.
Mr. Muhindi on mock speaking….
Mr. Kamalha Neriko Kihangalha, headtecher St.Johns Bukangara and Simbilisio Kitalibara HM Nyamusule Ps attributed their good performance to teamwork. Details will follow in our subsequent news broadcast. END.