Karambi Group of persons with disabilities in Kasese district has donated one borehole worth over fourteen million shillings to Kamasasa primary school in Karambi sub-county.
The organization executive director Mr. Josephat Muhindo said the borehole is meant to promote inclusive education, Healthcare and ensure access to rehabilitation to pupil’s living with PWD’s and entire students at the school.
Mr. Muhindo says Kamasasa primary school has partnered with his organization to provide literacy education to children living with disabilities in Karambi sub-county and Mpondwe-Lhubiriha town council respectively.
Mr. Josephat 1 on borehole;….
However, Mr. Josephat who said over two thousand pupils and the local community are direct beneficiaries to the project asked the school administration to jealously guard the facility.
Presiding over the launch, the Karambi sub-county chairperson Mr. Martin Masereka Balitebya observed that majority of the households in the area depend on small scale agriculture as their most basic income activity but have occasionally been hampered with water challenges saying he was opportunistic of good harvest now that the borehole has been commissioned.
Mr. Martin on ground breaking…..
In his remarks, the chairperson school management committee, Mr. Paddy Muhindo pledged to co-fund to the project according to a MOU with the donors including housing and feeding the contractor. Mr. Paddy on MOU…..
The project worth twenty nine million shillings funded by EU-CAN AID Brussels will construct another borehole in Kyempara village Isango sub-county. END.