By KGR Reporter,
The Kabale LCV Chairperson Nelson Nshangabasheija is on the spot for disrespecting Flavia Nyinakiiza Kanagyizi, the District Speaker.
During the climax of the 2024 Kabale Diocese’s Bishop Annual Appeal Fund function, which was held on January 11, at Our Lady of Good Shepherd Rushoroza Cathedral Parish in Kabale municipality, Nshangabasheija took to the podium and condemned Kanagyizi for failing him.
Nshangabasheija angrily told Christians and clergy that Kanagyizi was the one suffocating the approval of the District Service Commission members.
He asked Henry Ariganyira Musasizi, the Minister of State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development (General Duties), and Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, the Minister of Information, Communications Technology, and National Guidance, who were present at the function, to help him report his feud with Kanagyizi to President Yoweri Museveni.
Nshangabasheija Speaking…..
However, Nshangabasheija’s utterances have left a section of voters questioning his motives.
Mr.Aggrey Kamugisha, a 62-year-old voter from Rwanyakakyende village in Kahondo parish, Maziba sub-county, says that Nshangabasheija made a grave mistake by uttering such statements about Kanagyizi while at the altar because it instils division based on religion. Mr.Aggrey speaking…