By Kyamanduma Patrick,
There is every reason to Jubilate for the Residents of Isango Sub County in Kasese district after plans by the subcounty leadership and National water and sewerage Cooperation hatched to have safe water in the area.
Speaking to Our Reporter yesterday, the Chairperson LC 3 Isango sub county, Mr. MosesTsutsu said they had taken over one year in negotiations with national water about the possibility of extending water services to Hamukungu village in Isango sub country.
Mr. Tsutsu said with the extension and laying of water pipes in this area, gives a lasting solution to the safe water crisis in the area.
Mr. Tsutsu one on water……
Mr. Tsutsu also revealed plans of constructing Rusese Prison road to enable them transport food harvests. Mr. Tsutsu two….
He commended government for the electric fence that has tamed beasts from accessing people’s gardens. END