By Katya David,
A seven day tour in Kasese Municipality by the Executive Director Uganda Youth Forum office of the first lady, Mr. Leonard Imanishimwe indicates that most people are living in poverty.
Imanishimwe who visited groups in Kogere, Kidodo, Nyakasanga and Bulembia division respectively discovered low earnings and high interest rates from the money borrowed from different financial institutions, saying a lot more is needed to boost the groups.
Now Imanishimwe pledged to lobby funding into registered groups in Kasese Municipality to empower members financially especially women for sustainable living and improved household incomes.
Mr. Imanishimwe speaking….
Mr.Peter Bwambale, the chairperson Kidodo elderly group hailed Imanishimwe for donating one million shillings as seed capital to boost their goat rearing project. Mr. Peter speaking…
Ms. Neverless Biira, a resident of Kidodo cell cautioned the public against tribal sentiments but focus on development. END.