The Giso for Rukoki Sub County in Kasese district, Mr.Geofrey Kikama Bwambale has been arrested on allegation of killing his own Brother, the Late Masereka Augustine Kikama.
Police spokesperson for Rwenzori East Region, ASP Ismail Kawoo confirmed the information saying the suspected Giso was arrested after the Resident State Attorney Ordered Police to arrest him on allegation of killing his Brother Late Masereka Kikama on 21 February, 2020 along River Kigoro in Rukoki Sub County. ASP Kawoo on Murder…
The Chairperson LC 3 Rukoki sub county, Mr.Emmy Kitsama said Police has said the embattled GISO,s file will be handled by High Court.
Mr. Kitsama on GISO……
The Widow to the deceased Ms Jemima Biira who is looking after sixteen orphans asked for fair Justice.Ms. Jemima on Giso……
Details will follow in our subsequent news broadcast. END.