Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
The new Pontifical Commissary for the Religious Missionary Order of the Apostles of Jesus (AJ) Fr. Angelo Bettelli, says he has accepted and taken up the new mission granted him by the Holy See “with a lot of responsibly.”
Speaking during the announcement of his appointment at the AJ Generalate house in Nairobi, Kenya, Fr. Angelo Bettelli who is a member of the Canossian Sons of Charity (FDCC) noted that “what has been started must be completed without too much delay.”
“For me to be here is because of the will of the Church to give continuity to what had been started and to help bring this process to completion,” Fr. Angelo said while addressing members of the AJ Congregation who were present during the event together with some major superiors for different circumscriptions who had just concluded their Assembly.
He added, “In our little ways as the Commissariat, we hope to do our best to accompany the Congregation during this moment of its life as we ask for God’s graces in this mission. We hope to adhere faithfully to the mandate received from the Holy See, and we shall encourage the dialogue and cooperation with all the members of the Congregation of the Apostles of Jesus.”
Fr. Angelo who worked for about two years with Msgr. Raphael p’Mony Wokorach the outgoing Pontifical Commissary who has recently been appointed Bishop of Uganda’s Nebbi Diocese, appreciated the commitment of his predecessor during his reign and told AMECEA Online in an interview, “Fr. Raphael has been so dedicated and heartily committed to the task and the people entrusted to his care. I wish to follow in his footsteps.”
He emphasized further the strong relationship built by the entire Commissariat comprising a team of four members: Sr. Jacinta Auma Opondo a member of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Anna (FSSA), Sr. Eugenia Campara a member of Daughters of Saint Paul (fsp), the outgoing Pontifical Commissary and himself saying, “Our togetherness has helped us grow and bond not only in friendship but also in familiarity.”
On his part, the Msgr. Wokorach encouraged cooperation and consultations among members of the commissariat reminding them that “collaboration is key at all levels and more so with the leaders.”
“I seek your collaboration with Fr. Angelo and his team as you have always shown me,” Msgr. Wokorach appealed to AJ members Monday, May 31, highlighting that the ministry will be fruitful depending on how the AJ membership will respond, seek solutions together and express opinions in a constructive way.”
Addressing Fr. Angelo who is currently in-charge of the Canossian formation house in Nairobi, the Bishop-elect said, “We have worked together these past years and you know what is required of the institute.”
“I believe your experience will also grow as you are being guided through the patterns that are designed by the Dicastery,” Msgr. told his successor and encouraged him further, “Your presence and availability has been very meaningful and may all go well for the good of the Institute through collaboration of trust.”
Speaking on behalf of AJ members, the Superior for Sudan and South Sudan region Fr. John Loboka, thanked Msgr. Wokorach for journeying with members of the Institute form the time of visitation and later as the Commissary.
“You have spent time with us and worked to the best of your ability to implement the Decree, a task so important and yet challenging at the same time,” Fr. Loboka said.
To Fr. Angelo, the Superior for Sudan and South Sudan region assured him of “sincere cooperation and frank dialogue from the members” highlighting that “In moments of doubt we will humbly seek for clarification to adequately respond to the expectations of the Church.”