Fishermen in Kahendero landing site, Muhokya Sub County on Lake George, Kasese district are protesting the decision to ban them from fishing activities.

The directive was issued by Lt.Benard Baingana the head of operations on Lake Edward and George.
The fishermen are also demanding for the unconditional release of their fishing gears confiscated earlier this month.
The group is protesting against what they called illegal and unlawful seizing of over 15 boats and stopping them from fishing activities for reasons they were not clearly communicated to.
According to Dan Katongole, a boat owner, they were surprised by the impromptu communication from the head of the marine operations force banning them from fishing activities.
Katongole says people like him are chocking on debts and halting activities puts his loan security at threat of being confiscated and asks government to intervene and order the release of their boats.Mr. Katongole speaking;…
Another fisherman Elly Asiimwe says the decision could be politically orchestrated,
However, Lt.Benard Baingana the head of operations on lakes Edward and George, refuted allegation of involvement of the forces in NRM polls.Â
He told reporters that they only confiscated boats involved in illegal fishing and nets that were not up to standards. Lt. Benard on fishing;…..
He says says a decision has not yet been taken to release the impounded boats and Engines to the owners. Ends.