Mr. Abel Liminya, the Ihandiro subcounty local council three chairperson has described as unfortunate for a family to seek for the intervention of witch doctors to resolve a family friction.
Mr. Liminya`s comments follow a recent Kamatsuku village meeting that was convened to look into suspicions that a family member in the area had sought for under water powers for wealth.
Mr. Liminya could not believe that the area leadership was guiding the worrying parties for witchcraft than involving Church for an amicable and lasting solution. Mr. Liminya speaking…….
During the village meeting, community members thought a witch doctor would be a better option since it was the similar channel used by the suspect, an approach Mr. Liminya described as diversionary guidance based on un tested truth but confusion. Village Members Speaking…..
The Catholic Church preaches wholly against witch doctors and witchcraft. END.