The possible extinction of flamingos on Lake Munyanyange in Katwe in Kasese district is threatening local tourism.
Lake Munyanyange is predominantly a host of over 50 bird species but a large population of these are flamingos that are famous for their bright pink feathers, stilt-like legs, and S-shaped neck.
There are growing fears among domestic tourism promoters and conservationists over what seems to be a possible extinction of the birds following the reduction of their numbers around the lake.
Mr. Sulait Mabulu, the manager of Munyanyange caves lodge, which is adjacent to the lake says the reduction of the bird population has significantly seen a drop in the number of tourists interested in bird watching in the area, adding that its on very few occasions that one can find a high concentration of the white and pink birds on the lake, a problem he attributes to the high human population around the lake and change in climate. Mr. Sulait speaking……..
Mr. Nicholas Kagongo, the director of Katwe ecotourism center has urged the local authorities to expedite by-laws to help protect the lake area from destruction by the locals whose developments including animals feeding and destroying endemic grasses used by birds to build their nets, pause a threat to the birds. Mr. Kagongo speaking……
The Katwe-Kabatoro Town Council local council three Chairperson, Mr. John Bosco Kananura said Munyanyange is the second highest revenue earner for the town council after the Katwe salt lake and losing them is a risk. Mr. Kananura speaking……..
The Katwe-Kabatooro town council land board Chairperson, Mr. John Maate says the area of settlement is a recommended distance from the lake but awareness campaigns to the community were necessary. END